1.) Go with a group. One of the easiest ways to cut room costs is to go with more people. If you are traveling with your family or a group of friends, sharing a room is going to cut costs in a big way. Be sure to ask the hotel, when you book, what the maximum room occupancy is, though. Most rooms are rated for double occupancy, and adding more guests will cost more. The additional costs can vary wildly from hotel to hotel, so ask up front. Some hotels allow up to four people for no additional charge, some people will let kids stay free with their parents, and some hotels will charge thirty dollars or more for extra people.
2.) Call the hotel directly and call the toll free number. Calling a hotel chain's 1 800 number can result in you getting a much lower rate for your reservation than it will if you call the hotel itself and ask. At the same time, the national 1 800 number may not be aware of local specials or discounts that are running, so you will also need to call the hotel itself and ask. Some local franchises may offer special group rates that they don't let the national booking lines know about. So to be safe and get a clear picture of what the rooms can cost you, it is best to call both lines and inquire.
3.) Call twice. Call both those numbers one day and get the rates. Then call back the next day. Crazy as it sounds, you might find that the rate is considerably lower than it was the day before. Hotel prices in Vegas fluctuate wildly and all the time, so even though your second call may find you with a higher rate being quoted, it's just as likely that it will be lower, and therefore worth it.
4.) Be flexible with your dates. If you don't have a job and boss that strictly controls when you can take your vacation, think of Las Vegas in year round terms. The off season is a good time to find discounted hotel rates, especially if the hotel happens to be fairly empty when you want to book your room. If the hotel is close to full, like it may be on a weekend or during a convention, they are much less likely to extend a discount, but if the reverse is true, then you may find yourself a great deal.